
SUPERvisor is an enhanced face shield that helps nurses collect COVID-19 test swabs more safely, efficiently, and comfortably. It works by using a smartphone's screen and camera to project an augmented reality experience directly on the face shield. By reusing a smartphone's existing sensors and screen, it achieves a seamless information display system at a fraction of competing solutions.


UX Designer/Researcher, illustrator


Berkeley, US


Figma, Adobe PS, AI


3 weeks


What I do

Researched current user experience and discovered design opportunities.

Designed UI/UX and crafted prototypes


Fast Company 2020 Innovation by Design Awards

Fast Company Innovation by Design Linda Tischler Award

Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation Covid-19 Design Challenge

Design background
User research
Experience mapping
Hardware design
UX design

Design Background

User research

User research

Experience mapping

Critical User Journey

Hardware design

SUPERvisor also assists in the process of tracking the collected samples. We learned from nurses that multiple patients are often tested at the same time, without breaks or rests. Combined with the current system of using a paper binder to log information about each test sample, there is an increased possibility of incorrectly documented or swabbed samples. SUPERvisor leverages object recognition, tracking and voice dictation through the smartphone’s existing camera to free the collector of certain test collection tasks while minimizing the risk of touching high traffic shared surfaces.

Lastly, SUPERvisor provides the test collector with information about their own risk levels. Monitoring their body temperature, the duration of their working shift time, or reminding them to take a break or change PPE all result in a safer working environment.

The SUPERvisor project supports our front line medical workers by equipping them with the information they need to safely, efficiently and comfortably test patients for COVID-19, achieving it with a novel low cost augmented reality design.

MVP Testing

UX design

User journey + Storyboard

Information architecture

Low-fi UI Flow